Tub chairThis chair also features under the "Before & After" tab of this web-site. You will see that the piping on the front of the upper arm does not feature in the "Before" image. It appears here to enable the chair to be finished with less material than otherwise required (the front section being an off-cut) but the customer also felt that it added to the aesthetics. |  Knole sofaKnoll sofas are based on a 17th century sofa found in Knole House the old Sackville-West property in Sevenoaks, Kent (now managed by the National Trust). It was originally used, not as a comfortable sofa but as a formal throne on which the monarch would have sat to receive visitors. It features arms that can be let down so that the sofa can serve, in more modern times, as a bed or chaise longue. |  "Show wood" arm chairOne of a pair of reproduction "show wood" arm chairs. Really well made, echoing the construction techniques developed by Parker Knoll, who were furniture innovators. This is a before picture; the after picture will appear here shortly. |